Wednesday, July 2, 2008

{day 1}

I arrived in London at 8:00am and finally made it to the dorms around 11:00am... the line to get through customs was REALLY LONG! I took a few pictures of my journey (so far):

London Taxi from the airport to the dorms

The front of the dorms

"View" from my dorm room

Dorm room - bed

Dorm room - view of window

Dorm room - desk

Dorm room - dresser and door to bathroom

Bathroom - sink (with brought from home Bath & Body Works foam soap)

Bathroom - beautiful pink shower (ha!) and toilet

1 comment:

  1. Crunchy Oatbakes!! Yum.

    Hey, why can't you drink the water from the sink? That's a little scary.
