Monday, July 14, 2008

{day 11}

Today we took a coach to Stratford-upon-Avon! It took us about 3 hours to get there with traffic and everything. Our group was split into several B&Bs in Stratford (which were all really cute), I was in Woodstock House with a group of girls. It was such a nice change from the dorm: the beds were more comfortable, the bathrooms weren't old (although my shower still had pink tile), there was a hot breakfast cooked each morning (which I never ate because I slept in). It was rainy and cold in the afternoon and everyone was tired. I did nothing exciting except watch weird British soap operas and go to bed early!

The front of our B&B - Woodstock House

My room - you can see it's nice, it could DEFINITELY use some updates in the decorating department, very 80's

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