Today was my first day in Dublin! We had to wake up at 5:30am in order to have 8 girls ready to go by 6:30am so we could grab some breakfast and make our Paddywagon tour to Blarney Castle. We stopped at McDonald's (very Irish, I know) for breakfast and then walked to the Paddywagon "Station" to get on the coach that would take us to Blarney.
View from the top of Blarney Castle
It took 4 hours to get to Blarney, about 20 mintues to climb to the very top of the castle and kiss the stone and about an hour and a half to eat lunch at a nearby Irish pub before having to get back on the coach to make the 4 hour journey back to Dublin. Blarney Castle is completely different from the castles in London! #1 - it's very very old, #2 - it's completely made of stone, #3 - #1 & #2 make it way cooler than London's castles because you can really imagine how it could have been many years ago. I loved it! It was a little scary climbing to the top because the stairs get more and more narrow as you go up, but once you come to the top (where you kiss the stone) the view is AMAZING! Everyone kissed the stone and I promptly antibacterial-ed my mouth afterwards (laugh... it's fine..).

They take your picture with one of those cameras, like they have at the end of a rollercoaster ride, when you kiss the stone that you can buy for 10 euro, which I think is a total rip off, and I had one of the girls take my picture instead - which came out much cuter! Our lunch made up for our breakfast because I got an baked potato - which was very good. I picked up a fw souviners while we were waiting to get back on the coach, one of which was a bag of Leprechan poop (green jellybeans) for my little cousin - he will think it's hilarious and I kind of do too! When we got back to Dublin we grabbed a few drinks at a local pub and called it a night because we were all very tired and wanted to wake up early to do fun Irish things in the morning!