Etsy shop: http://www.pillowhappy.etsy.com
Fun pair of pear bean bags (filled with popcorn kernels - Shellie's fave food) and measure 7" tall and 5" wide. They are made from recycled green linen table cloth and the stem is a small piece of soft chocolate brown fleece! The pair work wonderfully as bookends, paperweights or to lightly toss or juggle. There are also a nice addition to a mantel or windowsill!
One day Shellie was sewing a slipcover for her couch. One day turned into a week as she went a little "slipcover happy" and slipcovered virtually everything in her house. In the meantime, she needed to get some ideas of hers on "pillow" and her shop was created! She absolutely loves working with soft materials, and seeing that she is a self-proclaimed professional napper, you can understand her wanting to incorporate a pillow! She's definitely gone pillowhappy!
Favorite Materials
linen, fleece
To win this pretty "pear", leave a comment answering the following:
What would you like to have a pair of?
I would like a pair of Ray-Ban tortoise shell wayfarers! (hint hint)
winner will be announced March 17th
I'd like to have a pair of firm ... Well, let's just say, after three kids... ya know?
I adore those pillows! They would look so fab in my living room!
I want a pair of big diamond studs!!
A pair of fresh strawberries dipped in dark chocolate.
A pair of absolutely perfect fitting jeans, that never shrink!
Plane tickets!
A pair of helpers...one to get the groceries, one to rub my feet...I don't have kids yet.
Pair of computer monitors to put on either side of the one I have. :)
A pair of strapping young men come to mind... Hunky dude sandwich! lol
a pair of hands to help with all the chores I have to do at home!
A pair of legs that I never have to shave and that are always nicely tanned.
These pears are great! So glad to have found you on tip junkie! I'd love to have a pair of these cute red and white polka dot Birkenstock's I saw. Can't find them anywhere! I hope I win your pears. They are so cute! ooxx`jodi
I would love a pair of big black pearl earrings! Love the pillows!
A pair of corndogs! Oh these pregnant cravings.
katiesaves (at) gmail (dot) com
I would like a pair of cute shoes from j.crew!
I'd like a pair of legs like I had when I was 19.
I'd like a pair of socks that match!
I would like a pair of Fox sunglasses!
I would like a pair of children who would actually obey me!!!
Hummmmmmmmmm....I am a night time snacker...So, I would like a pair of Ho-Ho's, or a pair of twinkies, or a pair of ding dongs, or a pair of dunkin' sticks. I don't want a pair of anything good for me....except your pears....hee hee.
I would like an extra pair of arms! One pair to clean while I am being lazy signing up for awesome giveaways!! LOL!
I would love to have a pair of Toyota Tacoma pickups. One to give to my son and one to give to my husband. That would bring me so much joy.
The pair of pears are adorable. They'd match my living room perfectly so I do hope I am the lucky winner. JD
Other than the pair of pear pillows, I would love a pretty pair of new warm weather pajamas. Mine are all ratty and I want some new ones to start of Spring right!
I would love a pair of summer sandals. (Something strappy and expensive please).
I would like a pair of comfortable high heels. If you ever find a pair, let me know :) Those pears are adorable! Thanks so much for the giveaway.
I would like to have a pair of new lamps for my living room
dctm at bellsouth dot net
I would love a pair of crisp $100 bills.
I would love a pair of chocolate brownies loaded with nuts.
I would love to have a pair of jeans that makes me look ultra slim!
ajcmeyer aT go DOT com
i would love to have a pair of international calling cards so i could hear from my marine! i miss my hubby.
I'd love a pair of size 10 jeans!! I wish I could fit in that size again :) ktcluff@gmail.com
I need a pair of Leather Recliners for my new TV room. JeansandTs@hotmail.com
I would love a pair of twins!
i'd like a pair of jeans.....simple needs ;)
I really really want a pair of children.1 down and 1 to go.Adoption gets more expensive every day.:(
right now, I would love a good pair of pinking shears
A pair of wings so I can fly around and everyone else can be jealous
I would like a pair of workout buddies. I can never seem to get anyone to the gym with me... :) It's more fun with friends.
But I'll settle for your pair of pears!!! Oohhh, I want those so bad! :-)
I'd love a pair of maternity jeans that fit and don't feel like their falling off all the time!
A pair of eyebrows that never need waxing.
I'd like to have a pair of cool cowboy boots. Thanks for the fun contests!
A pair of black flats that are actually comfortable would be lovely.
I had a pair but I wore them so much they had to be thrown away and my replacements....NOT COMFY. :(
A pair of choc cupcakes with sprinkles on top. thanks jacquecurl@gmail.com
I would like to have a pair of birkenstocks because mine are really grungy looking
i would like to have a pair of solid gold shoses
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