Etsy shop: http://www. johnwgolden.etsy.com
The Enlightened Fireflies print. A jar of fireflies lights the night in this whimsical image. This image is #1 in a series by digital artist John W. Golden. Image is reproduced on archival paper and is 8.5" x 11".
John has been involved in art since he was 11 or so, "way back in the 70s". In that time, he has created a large catalog of work in photography and illustration, and his commercial work in design and animation has been seen on Cartoon Network, Animal Planet, Nickelodeon, CBS, TNT, TBS, PBS, and TechTV! He creates all his work digitally, mostly starting with a blank screen and using the mouse or a pen and graphics tablet to create an image. He uses scans in his collage work, but everything else is painted or drawn within the computer. He’s not the only talent in the family! He also shares an Etsy shop with his wife featuring customizable art for kids called Mot and Dot. Check it out: http://www.motanddot.etsy.com
Favorite Materials
computer, resin
To win this cool print, leave a comment answering the following:
What's your perfect summer night?
mine is winding down with friends and family around an open fire, after a long day in the sun
winner will be announced March 24th
A wonderful afternoon would melt into the perfect evening when my best friend and I go outside to listen to the night & immerse ourselves in the beauty of the constellations, the taste of salt in the air, breeze on the skin and the soft lapping of ripples against the shore.
Having a barbeque with my family, as we sit around a bonfire and chit-chatting about the experiences in our lives.
Taking the kids for a late night dip in the pool when the sun is just starting to set.
Sitting in a comfortable rocking chair on the porch of my (fictional) mountain home, gazing out onto the mountains, hearing all the animal sounds, and seeing the fireflys rise up out of the grass as the sun goes down.
Watching the sunset from my Mom's kitchen at the beach.
Sitting in the backyard with my husband, watching our dogs play around and enjoying a good glass of wine.
Just being able to hang out with all of my family together. spending some time outside and playing games. amsbolda@hotmail.com
To me the perfect summer night is when my family and I are sitting outside with the firepit burning and the portable dvd player watching a movie. The kids love it and so do I! It's a great family reconnection and a memory I know the kids will take into adult hood!
p.s. Even if i don't win-that's a great print!
After floating the Guadeloupe River all day, pulling up to Gruene Hall to catch a Texan country concert while drinking ice cold homemade sangria wine.
My perfect summer night is being at a bbq with friends while our kids play together and the adults can relax and socialize
Sitting outside with the firepit going, friends, the kids roasting marshmallows and good stories!
My perfect summer night is sitting with my family and friends around a campfire in the middle of the Ocala National Forest with country music playing in the background.
A non-fiction summer night: Running through the streets of Seville with crazy Spanish soccer fans, screaming Viva Espana, looking for an ice cream store and a color tv.
That print is very cool. Nice work John.
Mine would have to be gazing out into the Gulf of Mexico with a glass of wine and meal on the grill getting ready to eat a fine dinner with my family.
Sitting in the backyard with hubby, kids playing, clean dog and a glass of wine. Ahhhhh...Love those fireflies. We don't have those in CA, but I was amazed by them when I saw them in Connecticut.
Sitting on the porch with my husband, watching my kids play in the dimming light. The sun is going down behind our pond and creating beautiful colors in the sky. There is just enough breeze to make it comfortable to be out (we live in SC).
Kayaking with my husband on a warm evening as the sun sets ♥
My perfect summer night has a light breeze, a full moon, and a beach. I love going down by the water without the hustle and bustle of crowds that are there in the daytime, where I can be alone with my thoughts and nature.
Thanks for a great giveaway and for the unique questions you pose for entries!
pushing my daughter on her tree swing, with the smell of steak on the grill, ahhh the sweet smell of dad making dinner and easy clean up!
I love dancing to patriotic music and watching fireworks with my boys! Oh, and there are always fireflies dancing along!
Ideally it would be the way evenings were when I was a little girl: laying in bed next to the open window, listening to the crickets and the sound of peacocks, and occasionally hearing a lion roar from the nearby zoo (only if it were truly "perfect", I'd rather the lion not be in a zoo, but roaming free!)
nfmgirl AT gmail DOT com
I like sitting on the covered porch in the seat swing watching a late night summer thunderstorm. Watching the shadows that come and go instantly as lightening opens up the sky to give us an momentary peek at another world beyond our everyday senses.
The perfect summer night is on the front porch with candles, my sweetie and my guitar
Decorating the back yard with some tiki torches, bbq-ing up some tasty treats and having family over and just enjoying the garden, each others company and the warm weather.
Mosquitoes love the taste of me, so I'd sit in the screened porch and watch the sunset with my significant other.
sitting at the end of my grandmas dock wathing the sun set
Hi! Mine would be watching the kids play and taking in the scent of freshly cut grass! We also love to roast hot dogs over the fire pit and treat ourselves to marshmallows for dessert!
A bbq outside, cold beer or pina coladas, the kids getting along, and no bugs!
My perfect summer night is camping with smores over a fire
for me it would be plenty of bugspray and my grandkids and great grandkids to tell jokes, sing songs, and just be cute
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