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Studio Gems
"Lucky Star" earrings - tiny vintage 50s brass lockets with teeny pink rhinestones set into an embossed starburst detail and adorned with mesh bows.
Wendy Doss is the curator of Fiona Mink Jewels. As she was rummaging through a dusty canister of old buttons found in the attic of her Connecticut childhood home, her mother quipped “you really do love old things!" Wendy adores finding once beloved antique treasures to incorporate into her recycled & repurposed one-of-a-kind and limited edition antique artisan jewelry. A vintage piece of broken jewelry left sitting in a drawer getting dusty can be redesigned into something special. Collecting is a passion in her family that can be identified back to her great aunts, Judy and Carol, who loved attending auction houses in NYC in the 1940s and 50s. Wendy's one-of-a-kind and limited edition lovelies are adapted from vintage jewelry or buttons... Forgotten treasures are searched, revived, salvaged, reinvented, recycled and remembered. They are cleaned, repaired, reworked, and refinished. Wendy's hope is that her customers appreciate the imperfections that age brings; a good part of their appeal can be apparent in the patina and time worn character. Her pieces have a past life, a history, which only makes them more interesting. Each piece Wendy creates has a story to tell...
Favorite Materials
antiques, findings, patina, history
To win these sweet little beauties, leave a comment answering the following:
If you could live in another time period, when would it be?
I would want to live in 1940s Hollywood and be a famous All-American pin-up!
winner will be announced March 25th
100 years in the future!
Medieval times...oh the decadence!
I would love to live in the 1960s and get to wear those delicious styles that would be perfectly complimented by those lovely earrings!
I should have been alive during the hippie era! I should have been one of the flower children and danced around at woodstock listening to the greatest music of our time rather than "the stanky leg." now I'm stuck watching palladium and classic vh1
200 years in the future!
I would live in the 1800s, when things were simpler, albeit harder. Life spent out on the range, just trying to survive.
In the early 1900 when ladies still wore gloves and hats!
My daughter Baily says " the 1950's so she could wear poodle skirts and pointy glasses".
If I could love in another era it would be during the Victorian times in America
I would love to go to the future about 100years from now and see how everything is. amsbolda@hotmail.com
I would love to visit ten years into the future. My second choice would be the 50's
i would live in ancient egypt preferably as cleopatra.
Definitely not the past. Women's rights and role in society were subpar AND think of the hygienic issues, depending on how far back you go, ach.
I'd go TO THE FUUUUUUUUUUUUUTURE. I'm thinking the best of Star Trek.
I would say the roaring 1920's, the era of art deco and jazz. These earrings look like they would have been perfect to wear during that time. I can just see Daisy Buchanan from The Great Gatsby wearing these to a party.
This is a great question because there are so many time periods I wish I had been able to live it. However, I think the time period I wish I was able to live in the most was the early 1960s when Kennedy was President. I really wish I had been alive when he was President and had the chance to see what he was like as the President more often. I can only tell based on the few clips I have seen of him. I think I would have had a better idea what he was alike when he was alive. This is a great giveaway and I really hope I win. Thanks.
I think it would be fun to live during the victorian era in Europe. The attire alone is amazing.
I'd live in the 70s! I love the music & the whole love era!
I would of loved to have lived in the 50's! The music and the dress!!!
Love the blog and the jewelry!
Hmm,....this is a hard one...I'd like to live back in the days of Laura ingalls because everyone was so caring to one another, BUT I'm much too lazy to be a pioneer....
I like your answer too tho!!!
I would want to live in the Medieval times and have a knight as my honey1
I should have been born in the early 1900's, a much simpler time!
I would love to have been active in the Civil Rights Movement during the sixties!
I would want to live in the late 1800's early 1900's when life was simpler
The Victorian Era is so beautiful and femine!
The earrings are beautiful.
I would have to go with medieval. I love the dresses.
The 1950's. I loved to watch Happy Days when I was a kid.
I would like to live in the 1800s. Life was simpler, women were women, men were men, and kids were kids (not little grown-ups in small clothing).
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