Tweedy Lane - Bryn
Etsy shop: http://www.tweedylane.etsy.com/
This is pretty pleated pouch is made from a light lime green canvas and is lined in brown. It is a beautiful shade of green--not too bright! Great for those small items that get lost in your big purse. I like to keep one for lipsticks, balms and gum. Also good for storing jewelry when you travel.
Bryn has been sewing and designing since she was a child. She has always enjoyed working with her hands. Beautiful fabrics and colors inspire her and she enjoys making useful, everyday things beautiful. She has a degree in Costume Design. She also has three little boys, so she works whenever she gets a chance... a few minutes here and there. Her husband will soon be a Chaplain in the Army, so they'll be back in military life. Bryn and her husband both grew up in the military and sort of miss the community. (Lots of people think they are pretty weird to be excited about getting back into the military!) They are looking forward to the unique opportunity to help soldiers and their families. Military Chaplains spend much of their time providing counceling for the soldiers and their dependents. Bryn is excited for what her furture holds and plans to continue her craft as long as she can!
Favorite Materials
fabric, paper, indian saris, pashmina shawls, chocolate, butter
To win this gorgeous buttery-color pleated pouch, leave a comment answering the following:
What's your degree in and where'd you get it?
BS in Textile & Apparel Merchandising from Louisiana State University
winner will be announced April 1st
(can anyone please explain to me HOW IT IS ALREADY ALMOST APRIL!?! - this year is FLYING BY)
Just a high school diploma gal here. Everything I know, I learned in life and taught myself. Life IS my school.
nfmgirl AT gmail DOT com
I have a BA in psychology and fine art from University of Pennsylvania, I've been happy to continue in art and clinical psych so it ended up being a good choice. I also spent my high school years with a snail as my mascot, "go go escargot" and my college years cheering for the quakers.
I got a Bachelor of Journalism Honours with combined honours in Political Science from the University of King's College!
Great bag! Love the pleats!
Well Im in the process of getting my degree in Paramedics. I have some completion certificates in Firefighting. It has been in the works for 4 years and since i was preggo I had to wait to do clinicals. Went to Del-Tech in Delaware but I now reside in TX.
I have a BFA in theater from NYU and an MLS (Library Science) from Queens College and I am currently an Army Wife, taking care of my dogs and loving life!
I received my Masters in Education from Oregon State University, Go Beavers! My guy friends think being a Beaver is the coolest thing I have ever done...
I spend my days trying to help develop college students be well rounded and less sassy!
Love it!
I've got a BA in French from the University of Arizona, and I'm almost done with an MS in Counseling and Student Development from Kansas State University.
i do not realy have a degree but, i was top of my class in pre-K
I went to college about 2 yrs. Didn't really have a major,but if I could go back,I would get a degree in teaching. thanks jacquecurl@gmail.com
i dont have a degree but if graduating from pre-school was one i would!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HS degree also,but have studied music for 35+ years. Thanks, your site is fun!
Im still in the process of getting a BS in Petroleum Engineering here at LSU. GEAUX TIGERS!
I have an AA in University Studies, which basically means I went to a junior college to get ready to transfer to a university.
I am working on a Geography degree at Sac State (in California) and love making maps. Except I just got married, and I think I'm nesting ...I'm totally not focused on my classes...
Bachelor of Industrial Engineering - Georgia Institute of Technology. Go Jackets! Sting 'Em! Buzzzz! (sounds funny doesn't it)
My degree is in Theater and I have a minor in English. I graduated from Southern Virginia University.
CherryBlossomsDesign at hotmail dot com
This pouch is beautiful...I love the pleating and the color! Thanks for letting me enter!
BS from Louisiana State University -- Geaux TIGERS!!
and MBA from Kennesaw State University... go Hooters!?
BS from National University of Malaysia, Bangi, Malaysia
BS in business from LeTourneau University
BA in English from Tulane, actually. I guess we're rivals!?!
Bachelors degree in Journalism and Communications from the University of Florida. GO GATORS!
I have a teaching degree. I was a teacher for a private school in LA before moving to Idaho and having my son.
I have a computer science degree and I got it from University of Central Oklahoma.
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