Celestefrittata - Chiara
Etsy Shop: http://www.celestefrittata.etsy.com
Blog: http://celestefrittata.blogspot.com/
"What if a Wizard doesn't have an owl? Who carries his mail?
The Magical Owl Post Service is the answer! This Special Owl Posting Kit includes: notes, envelopes, mailing bags, postage stamps and labels!
Chiara is a 25 year old Italian student. She lives in the beautiful city of Genoa (northern part of Italy) where she is graduating in Marine Sciences. In her free time she hand-binds notebooks and runs her Etsy store, Celestefrittata Bottega. Her works have a magical vintage style and she loves using kraft waste paper to make promotional items such as mini paper lunch bags to package small items and thank you cards. Since she was a child she has always preferred cookware and flour to scissors and pencils and spent so many afternoons in the kitchen whipping cream and baking cookies. One day she started bookbinding and created her first "Magical Notebook", encouraged by the her unexpected sales she started creating more and dedicating a lot of time to her new hobby. Take a look at her shop AND visit her blog (if you join her newsletter you will receive a 10% discount on your first order)!
Favorite Materials
paper, glue, cardstock, inks
To win this HUGE package of goodies, leave a comment answering the following:
Who would you have an owl deliver a letter to?
I would send a letter to my little brother, Hayden, who's 4! He would love it!
winner will be announced March 15th
I would have an owl deliver a letter to Harry Potter...it's the preferred method of magical special delivery!
I would have an owl deliver a letter to my best friend Ryan! He just moved halfway across the country to Oklahoma to play drums for a band, and I never get to see him anymore. Long distance phone calls are too expensive for both of our shoestring budgets, but owl delivery would be perfect!
That is so cool! What a clever idea... I'd have send a love letter to my wife.
Great Give away!!!
I would have an owl deliver to my mummy that live so far to me and miss me very much..
Thanks for the opportunity..
Since owls represent wisdom, I would love to have one send a letter to myself! I could use some wise advice.
I would send a letter to JK Rowling, just to tell her how awesome she is and how grateful I am that she wrote the HP series and how that help me starting reading books when I was younger.
I would send an owl letter to Stone Temple Pilots asking them to play my graduation party. You know, you work for eight years to get a PhD and then STP won't even return your calls. An owl would really get their attention.
I would have the letter delivered to my sister who lives in Idaho. She lives across the country from me. We keep in touch via email, mostly. I love email, but miss getting letters in the mail. I still have letters we sent each other while we were in college.
My owl-gram would be sent right to my BFF, Stephanie, to tell her how lucky I am to have her!
Definitely my sister. I live in NC and she live in CA so we are so far away. Plus, she would totally enjoy getting owl mail.
I would have an owl deliver a letter to my sister. She lives in the moutains of Colorado. They have all kinds of wild animals up there. So what's one more!!
To my niece Baily who is 10 and my nephew Braden who is 8. They would love it!!
I would send a letter to my sister. She is 17 and I have never sent her an actual snail mail letter in her life.
I would send an owl to my best friend and her 3 children. I miss them so much ... They would so appreciate it ... if only it were a real owl :)
Thanks for the chance to win this great giveaway. I have admired these goodies for awhile.
I would have an owl deliver a letter to Santa. I hear he lives in Finland.
(Australia--Finland sounds like a long way to fly... perhaps I should ask a migratory bird to go instead?)
i would have it fly up to logan and deliver to all my family who lives up there!!
angela cope
I would have an owl deliver a letter to my Father. He doesn't get mail that often and this would be a delight!
What a neat give away! Thanks so much for the opportunity!
I live quite a ways away from my family. My sister and brother live in Kansas, along with my mother and father. The rest of my family live in Iowa, Nebraska, and Wisconsin. I'm the only one who lives in Texas. I frequently write to my grandmother in Iowa, so if I could send an owl, I'd send one to her to let her know how much I love her.
Decisions, decisions. I think my best friend who lives in CA would dig getting Owl Post more than my other friends, though CT to CA is quite a flight.
Oooh, I would send a letter to my little sister, Jillian. She'd LOVE it!
My nine year old daughter just finished the entire Harry Potter series this fall. She is so in love with the whole magical world! I can only imagine the look on her face to have an owl delivered to her!!
We are doing a whole Harry Potter themed birthday party for her. Oh the fun!
ajcmeyer AT go DOT com
I'd have the owl deliver a letter to my Grandpa. he'd love it. Thanks for the chance.
sweetascandy579 at yahoo dot com
Would have to be my best friend, Meg. She is a bird whisper-er of sorts. This would just rock her world!
I would send a note to my 3-yr-old nephew. He's about to have a new little sister and I want him to feel extra special.
I would send a letter to my best friend from college. She loves all sorts of wizardry and stuff.
I'd send an owl letter to my son. He'd love it.
I would have an owl deliver a letter to my friend..... He live in LOndon...
great giveaway!!
I would have the owl deliver a note Hogwarts of course. The note would be a pleade to accept an over aged muggle to come and learn magic. I'm sure that there is magic in me somewhere, I just need some help finding it!
Thanks for the fun giveaway.
I would write a letter now to be opened on my son's birthday this month. He loves getting mail, especially from an owl ;)
I would have a letter delivered to my son. He would love it...as would I!
My mom in Florida!
I would have the delivery owl stop at my daughter-in-law's. She collects owls and would totally love me forever if this happened.
My friend in Seattle.. she'd appreciate some more frequent correspondence from her midwestern friend via owl :) Thanks for the entry!
c81280@hotmail dot com
I would send a letter via owl to my husband, who misses me before we're apart.
Id have letters delivered to my children at school
I love this idea and its wonderful!I would send a letter to my daughter,she just moved out on her own and I know it would make her feel so special!
I would send my sister an owl letter.
my Aunt Eileen...she's in a nursing home and lonely
I would send my best friend an owl letter
I would send my daughter an owl letter. Too cute!
i would have an owl deliver a letter to Taylor Swift. she rocks !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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