Etsy shop: http://www.gardencris27.etsy.com
The perfect little pouch sized for change, credit cards, business cards, lipstick, or whatever little goodies you need to carry! Made from beautiful Amy Butler fabric. Has a zipper closure and a layer of batting for softness and a layer of interfacing for structure. The inside of the pouch is fully lined in coordinating fabric.
Carissa started sewing, as most people did, as a kid in home economics. She hated it! She hated following a pattern and hated following directions. She wanted to do it her way, her way was better! What got her into trouble then, has helped her to grow a successful business. She never uses patterns and loves to come up with new designs. She is the mom of two, very active, little boys. On the weekends, she is an intensive care unit nurse. Carissa loves her sewing as it gives her a wonderful outlet for creativitiy. She also thinks every woman and mom should have something that they do just for them and no one else. You can also find her on the web under her name, Carissa Black. She has the privelage of having my bags in specialty shops on the East Coast. She is also a proud member of FAM and the CT Etsy street team!
Favorite Materials
beautiful fabrics
To win this perfect little pouch, leave a comment answering the following question:
What do you do, just for you?
I blog - hence, this lil' mama!
winner will be announced March 15th
I workout, that is almost the only thing I do that really feels like it is just for me.
yzgirl4 at verizon dot net
I watch mind-numbing reality shows.
that's adorable.
And I sew or craft. That's what I do for myself. It relieves my stress like none other!
Every night I take a very long bath with my favorite Lush bubble bath. Grab a good book and a glass of merlot!!
I eat a custard filled doughnut once a month! I think they are such a sin, but I love them!
I sing obnoxiously, just for me!
I love to exercise! Just getting out and doing something active everyday makes me feel so much better about life! amsbolda@hotmail.com
I read any good book I can get my hands on.
I work out and then take long steams... one of the few times there are no cell phones or computers near me.
I read blogs
I make jewelry. I love craft therapy!
Bubble Baths!
I read lots of books!
Tivo chick flicks and then watch them when I am the only one home.
I cook. Even if I know I'm the only one who will be eating, I love to cook.
I blog & I read just for me. I was going to say scrapbooking, but that is pretty close to be just as much for my kiddos as for me :)
After I put my baby to bed and while I wait for my hubby to come home from work- I workout and then take a nice, LONG bubble bath!!
I go to Yoga
ajcmeyer AT go DOT com
I make my husband watch the baby while I go see chick flicks with my sister in laws!
I go for a weekly massage. It's fantastic for my neck and back problems...works better than nasty drugs!
sierranelsby (at) gmail (dot) com
I ride my horse by myself!
A hot bath reading every night.
I listen to books on tape during my commute to & from work. It takes my mind off the traffic.
Get on Etsy and "pounce"!
First thing in the morning I have my coffee and get on the blogs.
At night I read - books.
Would love the pouch.
About the only thing I do SOLELY for me is read - I take the time to read on a daily basis. It is my oasis.
I flower garden just for me. I take my time and enjoy studying the nature around me, and also it's my quiet time to create ideas for my music and art.
Just for me? Mmmm...sitting down to read a magazine, running alone, going out for an hour at the spa...I love ME time (whenever I can get it).
I soak in the Bath tub with Calgone Crystals Spa Bath for as long as I want to. JeansandTs@hotmail.com
I sit, have my coffee, and read my blogs! I'm totally addicted!
I write and read blogs just for me.
I play the piano...it relaxes me when I'm upset. =) I'd love to win that cute little pouch! =)
What do I do for me? I blog! I also watch TV and garden and drink peppermint tea.
I love the read a good book
What do I do for me? I blog and I scrapbook. I also run away to the beach with a good book!
I blog :) and read blogs :)
lmt_582 at yahoo dot com
LOve this-- LOVE Amy Butler fabric! For me... I leave the twins at home with Dad and go shopping!! Even if it's grocery shopping- I love it- it's time away and time for me! :) ame0831@gmail.com
I've always got a book to read, it helps me wind down after a crazy day!
I clean my house for myself, and afterwards i love to soak my feet and read a good book..
I also write poetry and write in my journal and if all else fails i watch a good movie i love another time.. it doesn't hurt to watch a good movie over and over and over again..
I take long long walks out in Boston, MA taking in all that surrounds me from the water front to the grand architecture of so many fabulous buildings. The museums and all are spectacular.
I enter on line sweepstakes. Of course every now and then I do enter things to give to other people. But it is my addiction.
When I steal time away for myself, I like to go to the coffee shop at night with my laptop and listen to live music... Happens way too rarely, but it's oh-so-nice!
I go to the library and breath deeply of the atmosphere.
I love treating myself to different coffees and teas,sitting back and just taking a moment to enjoy
I like to get some extra sleep. Thanks.
I treat myself to awesome herbal tea, even though the kind I love is expensive
I make sure my feet are smooth...I like home pedicures...
I would take a day and eat lunch at a Thai place, visit a museum, buy a plant and have an ice cream cone while watching the ocean.
What do I dojust for me? Blog!
Just for me, I take my meds on time so that I am not in pain.
love Renee
i go swimming and exercise
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