Etsy Shop: http://www.palomasnest.etsy.com/
Tiny text bowl (value $18) that reads “lovely day”, perfect for collecting little trinkets, or just resting on a table.
Paloma's Nest is the creative work of Caroline Colom Vasquez, an artist and designer living in the vibrant city of Austin, Texas. Paloma's Nest is dedicated to creating modern heirlooms; pieces for the home, and for the heart. Each Paloma’s Nest piece is designed and individually hand-crafted with care, pride, and passion. Ceramic bowls, tiles, and decorative pieces are intended to last for generations, and so they are crafted with the finest natural materials available, including porcelain and clay, wood, paper, and cloth. The inspiration for Paloma’s Nest lies in the purity of the materials used, and the idea that something so simple can be so bold. Caroline strives to create items of meaning and purpose from the materials, while leaving the characteristics true and pure. By adding text to these materials, written ideas, feelings, and daydreams are given a peaceful place to rest. Many pieces in the Paloma’s Nest line are available with custom texts. This gives special meaning for the recipient, and by adding names or dates, it is ensured that the piece will be cherished for years to come. Every Paloma’s Nest piece-no matter the material- is hand cut, free form, with no pattern. This gives each piece its own variation in the size, shape, and layout of the text. Recycled, up-cycled, and biodegradable products are prominent throughout the line, and in the extraordinary gift packaging in which pieces arrive, and the studio is powered 100% by Renewable Wind Energy- minimizing the footprint left behind by the production of these beautiful pieces.
Favorite Materials
clay, porcelain, paper, wood, fabric, words, passion, history, purpose, courage
To win the pretty little bowl, leave a comment answering the following:
Question: What is your one most favorite part of every day?
Question: What is your one most favorite part of every day?
winner will be announced March 9th
My favorite part of the day is the 15 minutes I have with my morning coffee and a good book before starting the day.
My favorite part of the day is when my kids get home from school-I miss them when they are gone.
The 10 mins I take to read a couple of daily devotionals & listen to God.
When I get my 2 year old out of his bed in the morning and get such a good smile and a hug! I love it!!!!!
My favorite part of the day is my drive home. It's not that long, but I am alone with my thoughts and the radio and that's all!
Definitely when my baby girl wakes up in the morning, b/c she always greets us w/ the HUGEST smile.
The best part of my day is waking up to my amazing boyfriend's face - snores, morning breath, and all!
my favorite part is seeing my daughters face first thing in the morning!
My favorite part of every day is the few minutes of "me time" I get when I first wake up...whether its while I'm in the shower or after I drop my son off at school. It's always nice to have some time for yourself, even if its just 3 minutes!
In the evening when all the work is done and our puppies come curl up in our room next to the bed.
after the kids are in bed and me and my husband watch the news together in peace and quiet!!
When I get to kiss my darling baby boy every night before I go to sleep next to the man of my dreams, my husband Jeremy. I am so blessed.
I love walking in to my son's room to wake him up. He's the latest sleeper in the house and loves everyone in his room to wake him up.
My favorite part of the day is Sunset - the beautiful colors of the sky over a lovely Southern California ocean setting is so peaceful. And this I am blessed to see from my back patio. It never ceases to amaze me.
When the kids are asleep and the house is totally quiet. And then again when they wake up and it's happy chatter.
Sitting in front of my computer with a cup of tea, perusing all my favorite blogs and discovering new ones. That's my favorite part of everyday.
When I check on my children before I go to bed. They always look so sweet when they are sleeping!!
My favorite part of everyday is right after I get the kids to bed and can sit down and relax.
Honestly. I love nap time. For my boys. I love the time I have to myself. to read blogs, email, and lounge. Yes. Nap time.
kizziew at gmail dot com
I love any part of the day that involves food. Yummy!
i have 2 favorites times:
1.- is dinnertime, is the only time of the day that we (my family) eat together !!
2.- when everybody is slepping and i can relax and read my favorites blogs and emails!!
When I get to tuck my daughters in at night.
I look forward to the hours after everyone is in bed and I can tuck myself away with a book or at the computer to catch up. I enjoy every part of the day, but have come to cherish MY TIME.
My favorite part of the day is when I first wake up. Early enough to enjoy the sunrise with my cup of coffee. This is the time of the day that I can enjoy the peace and beauty of the day before starting the crazy work schedule I have.
my favourite part of my day would be watching my toddler fall asleep. I love how his eyes get heavy and how he nods his head down and then wakes up and repeats it. toooo cute and sweet.
What is your one most favorite part of every day?
lol, Jean :)
When everyone is sleeping and I have complete silence!
Around 6 Pm when my husband gets home...Awww
Right now, my favorite part of the day is when my 3 month old wakes up in the morning...she will just sit there and smile for the first ten minutes that she is awake. It puts a smile on my face...a great way to start any day.
My one favorite part, not of every day, but Saturday is the early morning when the soft sounds of kid feet pad down the hallway towards our bed. There's lots of cuddling and snuggling and little bit of dozing while the kids happily partake of Saturday morning cartoons just like I did as a kid.
If I have to choose my favorite part of everyday it would actually be the opposite. When the kids are freshly down in their beds and my hubby and I crash land on the couch for some serious alone time.
Bedtime because I love spending the time with my daughter one on one and talking about our days highlights. It is something I want to continue doing throughout our years.
WOW this bowl is great!
Evening- dinner time talking about our days and winding down from the day!
ashlomb at yahoo dot com
In the morning, when my alarm clock goes off and my dog jumps on the bed and gives me Good Morning Kisses!
My favorite part of the day after dinner. We're full and content, and the dog and cats are snuggled up with us as we read or watch TV.
My favorite part of the day is when I am at the barn with my dog and all my horses and I am just looking out at all the open space. Its a time I can just relax, slow down, and take a look around. I can appreciate my surroundings with the things I love the most.
fav part of the day: midnight smoking on my patio.. hahaha
My favorite part of the day is the moment my husband gets home from work. It's only been a few hours since we last saw each other, but I'm always really happy to see him!
when i see my mom in the morning knowing that she is still here after all she has been through the past 3 years thanks for the giveaway
My favorite part of the day is my quiet time in the morning before anyone else is up. A great way to start my day!
Great giveaway!
My blog is private - LBJ(at)nine17(dot)com
My favorite part of the day is in the morning when my kids come in bed with us and we have a "family snuggle" for a few minutes before the day starts! it really sets the mood for a great day. thanks for the chance to win this adorable giveaway :O)
My favorite part of the day is at night when everyone is asleep and I have peace and quiet to take a bubble bath with a good book.
My favorite part of the day is the morning spending time with my daughter when she wakes up smiling.
My favorite part of the day is dinner with my family. Thanks so much for the giveaway!
My favorite part of the day is when my kids tumble off the bus, all excited and happy to be home.
I love those moments when you wake up before the alarm and are truly awake and rested. I don't encounter them every day but it is nice to wake up a bit early and just enjoy "being" and not rush.
my fave part of the day is when i can cuddle up with my puppies.
pookielocks at ymail dot com
My favorite part of the day is when the kids are tucked into bed and I can actually sit down and rest for a few minutes :-)
Is it sad if my favorite part of every day is crawling into bed?
My favorite part of the day is early morning with a cup of tea and the daily newspaper.
My favorite part of the day is getting my coffee, sit up in my bed and open up my computer (to see if I won!)
My favorite part of the day is waking up, having coffee and getting the kids of to school, then i have some me time.
Lori Barnes
My favorite part of everyday is when my husband comes home from work and our daughter comes home from school. My two favorite people in the world have come home to tell me about their days. Thank you.
The best part of my day is getting home, walking in the door and leaving everything else 'out there'.
5pm. Clink, Pop! Need I say more.
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